June review

For June, I set the following goals:


  • Running: Run at least 1 mile every day.


Paused for June (switched to cycling), in the first week itself.

  • Push-ups: Chest press 3x9 50 lbs.
  • Pull-ups: Every other day, pull-ups (4, 4, 5 reps with 2:00 rest). Resumed 24-27.
  • Plank: Mountain climbers the first day, then kneeling crunches with pulley weights.
  • Squats: Every other day, 1 set of dumbbell squats. 9 reps at 2x45 lbs. Upped to 50 lbs on May 6. Resumed 25-28 at 45 lbs.
  • Guitar: 30 minutes of guitar 4 times a week.

Overall thoughts

Quite late on this one, and it is likely due to mentally weakening. After falling sick in May, didn’t really pick up much of the slack in June, but decided to swap out weightlifting/calisthenics related exercises for cycling. As a result, also dialed back the running, though I still did 1 mile every day.

Cycled around 240 miles in June.

Goal-specific comments

None this month.

Onwards to July!